Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Do They See Jesus in Me?

I was listening to my iPod the other day and I had it on shuffle. A song came on that I absolutely love and every time I listen to it I get so convicted and I have to pray for the Lord to forgive me. It's sung by an artist named Joy Williams and the name of the song is Do They See Jesus in Me? I found a video of the song on YouTube that I wanted you all to listen to. So please if you have a few minutes take a look at the video.

I love this song because it has a great message. I always have to ask myself those questions. Do people see Jesus in me? Do I show them the love that He gave me? Do I show people that same grace and mercy? Am I showing those around me that He is the only reason I live and breathe? Do I have a compassionate heart for others? Am I telling about His grace, love and mercy? Sadly, there are times when the answer to these questions is no.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in our daily tasks and friends that we don't take notice of those whom the Lord has put in our path. It's very important for us as missionaries and as Christians to let people see Christ through us. We need to always be on notice for those around us at school and extra activities to look for those who are hurting and need a friend. As we build these friendships we need to make sure that we are showing Christ through us and maybe one day you will be able to win that person for Christ.

I keep the scripture Philippians 3:14 close to my heart at all times. It says, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Christ has given you an awesome responsibility as missionaries and Christians to spread the good news of His grace and love so you can reach your friends and to reach people your parents may not get the opportunity to reach. So the next time you are with your friends or out grocery shopping with your parents, or even when you are at McDonald's having a hamburger ask yourself if others see Jesus in you. If the answer is no, they can't, then I urge you to ask the Lord to help you so that you can be a light for Him.

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