Thursday, August 27, 2009

God's Chisel

I wanted to share this video with you. It has been circulating all day on Facebook and it was just too wonderful and too powerful not to share it with you. It's about allowing God to work on us to help us become the Masterpiece He designed us to be. It is a little lengthy but it is definitely worth the view.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ever Faithful

Today has been a sad day for me. My dog was put down. His name was Butler and he was 16 years old. He was such a great dog...a Yorkshire Terrier. Before he got very old he would jump and play and run all over the place. He was always sitting at the door waiting for me to come home so I can give him a treat. He would always curl up beside me on the couch or chair and go to sleep. If I was upset he wouldn't leave my side. He would even sometimes lick my tears away. The funny thing about dogs is that they are ever loyal...ever faithful. You can holler, scream and yell at them for something they did and if you walk out to the mailbox and come back in they treat you as if they haven't seen you in days. They love you without limits. They love you unconditionally.

There were times that I treated my dog, Butler, unfairly or wrong but he was always still there loving me and waiting for me to pick him up and squeeze him and to give him his favorite treat. I didn't always feel as if I was the best dog owner and that I didn't always give him the love and attention he deserved but he loved me everyday and was always so excited to see me.
Not to compare our Lord to dogs but He does treat us the same way sometimes. He loves us without limits and He loves us unconditionally. He loves us no matter how we may treat Him. If you go months or years without talking to Him, He's still there just waiting for you to say something to Him. We can holler and scream at Him and blame Him for all the wrong things in our lives but He never leaves our side. He is ever faithful. I feel so unworthy sometimes of His love. I feel at times that I don't deserve it because I have treated Him badly or went weeks without talking to Him.
Do you ever look at people at school or church and think that they are much more spiritual than you are? Doesn't it always seem as if they don't have a problem talking to Him daily or treating Him the way He should be treated? I feel that way sometimes. I feel like I'm not as worthy or loved or a good enough Christian. I compare myself to others all the time. I often get tempted to become frustrated over either my lack of Christianity or what seems to be their overabundance or perfect walk with the Lord. But I keep reminding myself of Philippians 1:6. It says, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Isn't that so comforting to read the promise that He is always refining us and molding us to be more like Him? With this promise at our fingertips, we can always strive to be faithful to Him like He is faithful to us. The next time you find yourself not feeling worthy or Him or that you don't feel like you are doing all for Him that you can hide the truth of Philippians 1:6 in your heart.